- 我跟着潮流,布里斯布丁.
- Cause I go with the flow , brice pudding .
- 跟着潮流走吧,和在一起的朋友尽情玩乐,但是不要做出任何许诺,也不要期待什么回报。
- Go with the flow and enjoy your time with whomever you are with but don 't make promises or expect them in return .
- 在那些个我对自己的情绪化进食状况无能为力的夜晚,我就通过放纵我的情绪,让自己隐藏在食物的安乐窝中,就这么顺其自然着。
- There were many nights when I would do nothing about my emotional eating and just go with the flow , via bingeing my emotions away and hiding in the comfort of food .