- 同时,基金必须遵守严格的透明度和流动性的需求。
- Funds must also comply with strict requirements for transparency and liquidity .
- 这个人从精神上和身体上都是能够遵守这一秩序的。
- The person is able mentally and physically to comply with the order .
- 百度已经尽其所能去遵守政府的“奇思妙想”。
- Baidu has done all it can to comply with the government 's whims .
- 每个字都要死记硬背,每个句子都要符合造句规则。
- Every character requires memorization ; every sentence must conform to structural imperatives .
- 科学则通过证明事物都符合他的假设,来使得世界变得有意义。
- Science makes sense of the world by showing how things conform to its hypotheses .
- 视觉异常,如果他们不符合这种对真实模拟,就去掉这种视觉效果。
- Visual exceptions if they don 't conform to the simulation break the illusion .