- 从兰叶橡胶花药培养获得5株花粉植株。它们都具有主根、轮生侧根、茎、子叶、第一对真叶和顶芽。
- A total number of 5 pollen plants were obtained by anther culture of hevea brasilzen , sis muell . - Arg . Each of them had tap root , verticillate lateral root , stem , cotyledon , first pair of true leaf , and terminal bud .
- 百合鳞茎的游离氨基酸主要集中在顶芽和内部鳞片等幼嫩组织中,含量最高、变化最大的是精氨酸。
- Free amino acids in lily bulb mostly existed in young organ such as terminal bud and inner scales , etc. arginine was the most amino acid and changed greatly .
- 从兰叶橡胶花药培养获得5株花粉植株。它们都具有主根、轮生侧根、茎、子叶、第一对真叶和顶芽。
- A total number of 5 pollen plants were obtained by anther culture of hevea brasilzen , sis muell . - Arg . Each of them had tap root , verticillate lateral root , stem , cotyledon , first pair of true leaf , and terminal bud .
- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .
- 据费贡说,顶级家政管家年薪可达30万美元。
- Top household managers can earn up to $ 300,000 a year , says feigon .
- 位于该酒店顶层的是世界最高酒吧Ozone。
- Perched at the top level of the ritz is ozone , the world 's highest bar .
- 销量最高的市场分别为巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中东地区。
- Brazil , argentina , mexico , and the middle east are the top markets .