- 据费贡说,顶级家政管家年薪可达30万美元。
- Top household managers can earn up to $ 300,000 a year , says feigon .
- 位于该酒店顶层的是世界最高酒吧Ozone。
- Perched at the top level of the ritz is ozone , the world 's highest bar .
- 销量最高的市场分别为巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中东地区。
- Brazil , argentina , mexico , and the middle east are the top markets .
- 丰田的质量和可靠性曾经在美国长期雄居各家汽车厂商之冠。
- Toyota had long held the u.s. crown for top quality and reliability among car makers .
- 渔夫的妻子坐在两英里高的金色宝座上,头戴两英尺宽三英尺长的王冠。
- A fisherman 's wife sits on a golden throne two miles high , wearing a crown three yards by two yards .
- 他需要确定用于冠中的黄金的重量和密度。
- He needed to be sure of the weight and density of the gold used in the crown .
- 为什么我会认为苹果已经过了它的顶峰?
- Why do I think apple has passed its peak ?
- 这里是她审美经历的高峰。
- It was her peak aesthetic experience .
- 巅峰游戏找到了掘金热土。
- Peak games has found rich soil .