- 艺术陶艺,汲取自然之韵味与灵气,凿山掘地,精选斯土,炼而成泥,埏埴成型。
- Art tao yi , draws lingering charm and nimbus of the natural world , the authentic mountain digs , carefully chose this soil , polishes but ready-made mud , tomb passage clay molding .
- 安妮:校园环境也挺好,树木众多,有垂柳、有白杨、还有娇贵的玉兰、名贵的银杏……晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。
- Annie : definitely . The environment of the university is quite good . The trees are clustered here and there with weeping willows , poplars , tender yulan and rare gingko . After supper , walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm .
- 听到的是一曲缠绵入怀的神韵,是一种豁达的心境纯音,一种云卷云舒的吟唱,一端生命流言的独白。
- Hear is a lingering charm to the huai , is a liberal mind pure tone , a stretch of the amateur , rumor end life monologues .