- 颜色是怎样被划定范围的?
- How should be the colour range ?
- 哥普尼克涉猎的范围广博。
- Mr gopnik 's range is ambitious .
- 同时该设计还具有增加续航距离,有效载荷和环保等优点。
- It also has improved range , payload and environmentally friendly designs .
- 哪个问题会成为你的指南针呢?
- What big problem serves as your compass ?
- 旅行者在没有指南针的情况下经常迷路。
- Without a compass , travellers often do .
- 在这个装置中再创建一个指南针,你就做好一切准备了。
- Build the compass into the device too and you 're all set .
- 排外的股份注册对谁都不好。
- Xenophobic fiddling with the share register helps nobody .
- 新选举法要求选民至少提前两星期在网上登记。
- The law required voters to register online at least two weeks beforehand .
- 而县里的办事员会上门为民主党人登记。
- The county clerk went to the democrats homes to register them .
- 围绕着进一步对希腊援助的口水战涉及现代文学体裁的所有类型,揉合了戏剧和恐怖片元素。
- Talks around a further bail-out of greece have run the gamut of modern literary genres , taking in drama and thriller .
- 他干尽了放荡的事儿。
- He runs the whole gamut of dissipation .
- 所有的选项在这里,实在迥然不同。
- All the options here really run the gamut .
- 和谐社会不仅是人与人之间的和谐,而且是人与自然之间的和谐。
- The harmonious society isn 't only an interpersonal diapason but also a person and the diapason of nature .
- 钢琴调音、钢琴挑选购置、钢琴修理、钢琴保养。
- Maintenance of choose and buy of piano diapason , piano , piano , piano maintains .
- 从人与自然和谐的角度来考虑,城市和谐同样需要完整的自然生态系统的鼎力支持。
- Considering from the angle of person and nature harmonious , the city diapason also needs the support of complete nature ecology system .