- 个别角色在战争中的英勇表现,皆以巧妙的武打动作呈现;而且吴宇森让军事战略呈现令人屏息的美感,尤其是片中最后的大决战。
- The individual heroics of the characters in battle are depicted with clever and acrobatic choreography , and woo makes military strategy look aesthetically breathtaking , especially in the film 's big battle finale .
- 这些历史的比较应该对奥巴马总统敲响了警钟,按最近泄露的阿富汗战争文件内容显示,强调了我们的军事战略就是一团糟,不仅如此,更明显地反映了对于大量社会资源分配的不合理。
- Those historical comparisons should be a wake-up call to president obama , underscoring how our military strategy is not only a mess - as the recent leaked documents from afghanistan suggested - but also more broadly reflects a gross misallocation of resources .
- 随着外国军队逐渐将军事战略从反对暴乱培养忠诚度,到反对恐怖主义和塔利班势力的倒台,艾哈迈德瓦里卡尔扎伊的作用越来越大。
- To foreign troops , mr karzai 's usefulness grew as their military strategy gradually shifted from counter-insurgency , which involved cultivating loyalties , to counter-terrorism and the crackdown on the taliban .
- 举例来说,看似简单的手机短信息,就有12种不同的标准。
- For example , there are 12 different standards for seemingly simple sms text messages .
- 它关闭所有的数据的同时依然支持正常的手机呼叫和sms短信。
- It 'll disable the data but still allow regular calls and sms .
- 就像jajah的程序,使用者可以通过无线网络拨打消费低的电话和发送sms短信。
- Like the jajah app , users can make low-cost calls and send sms messages using a wi-fi network .