- 不是说光有靴子就完事大吉了。
- Boots are not the only answer .
- 远足用的靴子和冬天的一些装备需要吗?
- What about hiking boots and cold weather gear ?
- 鲜血溅上了魏泽的黑色靴子。
- Blood splattered weise 's black boots .
- 卫斯理是一家运动鞋公司的广告经理。
- Wesley is an advertising manager at an athletic shoe company .
- 该集团尤其关注服装与鞋履品牌的投资机会。
- The group is looking in particular to buy clothes and shoe brands .
- 鞋产量回到了危机前的水平。
- Shoe production is back at pre-crisis levels .
- 你丈夫穿多大号的鞋?
- What size shoes does your husband wear ?
- 挑选鞋子更不容易。
- Choosing shoes is harder still .
- 登机者必须接受脱鞋检查。
- Travellers must remove their shoes .