- 一滴泪滑过我的面颊。
- A tear rolls down my cheek .
- 他的唇触到了我的脸颊。
- His lips touched my cheek .
- 她吻着、捏着我的面颊。
- She kissed and pinched my cheek .
- 我喜欢这个小伙子,我们很快就交谈起来。
- I liked the young chap and we soon fell to conversation .
- 你的洗衣机无法工作,互联网连接不上时,你却只能向一个从海德拉巴来的小伙子寻求帮助,而他可能只会说一点甚至完全不会英语。
- When your washing machine or internet connection breaks down , the only help you can get is from a chap in hyderabad who speaks little or no english .
- 难怪老伙计不想放弃他的咖啡!
- No wonder the old chap didn 't want to give up his coffee !