- 火星的表面是什么样的?
- What is the surface like ?
- 一些从地幔到地球表面的碳以钻石的形式存在着。
- Some carbon comes from the mantle to the surface in the form of diamonds .
- 不同于冰山的是,海冰的形成来自于海水表面的结冰。
- Sea ice is different than icebergs and forms as sea surface water freezes .
- 在贷款方面也存在可能性。
- The debt side also has possibilities .
- 一方面是收购背后的经济逻辑。
- On one side is economic logic .
- 他们的女儿就站在他们边上。
- Their daughter stood by their side .
- 这些痕迹就包括了面粉痕迹。
- And they still contained traces of flour .
- 高飞把鸡蛋打到面粉里.
- Gofer breaks the eggs into the flour .
- 我们用面粉做出面包。
- We make flour into bread .
- 从现在的情况看来,亚洲的国家将会继续拥抱这一碗越来越满的面条。
- Until that happens , asian countries may content themselves with a fuller noodle bowl .
- 他的父母经营一个卖面条的摊点父亲给他牛肉干让他在上学的路上吃。
- His parents ran a noodle stall , and his father would give him dried beef to eat on the walk to school .
- 这种情况经常发生在肉汤上,如鸡肉面条汤、牛肉大麦汤。
- This problem occurs most often with brothy , meaty soups , such as chicken noodle and beef barley .