- 但这是极少数的情况。
- But these are very rare .
- 其内容会变得极为复杂。
- It can get very complicated very quickly .
- 这种观点似乎很天真。
- This idea sounds very naive .
- 这场游戏的赌注极为高昂。
- The stakes are extremely high .
- 而要解释清楚却极端困难。
- Explaining it is extremely hard .
- 股票市场已经变得极端的涨跌无常。
- The stock markets have become extremely volatile .
- 这是高通货紧缩下的产物。
- This was a highly deflationary cocktail .
- 它运营着高利润的行业。
- They run a highly profitable business .
- 象棋是需高智力水平的运动项目。
- Chess is a highly intellectual game .