- 那就意味着在某些彼此的活动中存在着一些不言而喻的非干扰。
- It meant a tacit non interference in certain of each other 's activities .
- 关税壁垒与非关税壁垒对世界贸易的模式有着非常重要的影响。
- Tariffs and non tariff barriers have a very considerable influence on the pattern of world trade .
- 这个国家的福利完全依赖于外国的支援以及其他的非利益性组织的帮助。
- The well-being of the population is entirely dependent on foreign aid and numerous non profit organizations .
- 8000人的联合国维和部队进驻利比里亚。
- Eight thousand un troops are stationed in liberia .
- 他会更多参与联合国维和行动么?
- Will it participate more in un peacekeeping operations ?
- 目前至少有16名联合国维和警察牺牲。
- At least 16 un peacekeepers also perished .
- 投降并且让他进来。
- Surrender and let it in .
- 他的鼻孔里提升厌恶。
- His nostrils hoist in distaste .
- 晒干或者放到油里都行。
- Available dried or in oil .
- 这就是为什么人们不能在金正日死后拥有真正快乐的第二个原因。
- That is the second reason why there cannot be unalloyed joy at kim jong il 's going .
- 金正日为国防委员会委员长,这是他唯一的官方职务。
- Kim jong il is chairman of the defense commission , his only official title .
- 你见到的几乎每幢建筑物上都有金日成。
- Kim il sung on almost every single building you see .