- 炮声划破平静的夜空。
- Gunfire pierced the night quiet .
- 唯独女孩自己显得异常平静。
- But she is unusually quiet .
- 埃文利学校那天非常平静。
- Avonlea school was quiet that day .
- 消费者仍然在控制支出。
- Consumers are still cutting back .
- 你现在还有幻觉吗?
- Do you still have hallucinations ?
- 这些尝试还有必要吗?
- Are these efforts still needed ?
- 它们无声地战胜了时代。
- Their silent triumphs over dates .
- 天然气的流动几乎是无声的。
- The flow of gas is virtually silent .
- 它带来了一场无声的革命。
- It has since brought about a silent revolution .
- 你会感受到宽阔和平静。
- You will feel spacious and calm .
- 最近的外交则带来了更多的平静。
- Recent diplomacy has brought more calm .
- 我告诫自己要冷静下来。
- I told myself to calm down .