- 莎士比亚的主张更带有自然神论色彩,塞万提斯则将作家的才情摆在显著的位置,强调人的能力与价值,把人看成是具有无限创造力的生物。
- However , shakespeare advocated more natural deification , cervantes put the talent of writers on a remarkable position , reinforcing human abilities and values and regarded human beings as the creature of limitless creativity .
- 无数的事例证明,很多儿童时期智力超常的人,成年以后在某方面获得了卓越的成就,对人类的文明进步作出了重大贡献。
- It has been proved by numberless facts that many of those who showed a great talent in their childhoods , will make remarkable achievements in the adulthood , and will make enormous contributions to the development of civilization .
- 你有帮助别人及直觉知道别人需要什的非凡天赋。
- You have a remarkable talent for helping others and for intuiting exactly what they need .