- 巴拿巴和扫罗办完了他们供给的事,就从耶路撒冷回来,带著称呼马可的约翰同去。
- And barnabas and saul returned from jerusalem , when they had fulfilled their ministration , taking with them john whose surname was mark .
- 我们只提及这个评论,是因为它就是马克大卫查普曼(markdavidchapman)杀死约翰连侬的主要原因。
- We only mention that criticism because it was mark david chapman 's main beef with john lennon .
- 他的两个最高参选助手,特里纳尔逊以及约翰威弗尔突然辞职;最高参谋马克绍特退居二线;其它高层助手也纷纷出走。
- His two top campaign aides , terry nelson and john weaver , resigned abruptly ; his chief of staff , mark salter , removed himself to the sidelines . Other senior aides also headed for the door .