- 草原承包经营者应当按照饲养牲畜的种类和数量,调剂、储备饲草饲料,采用青贮和饲草饲料加工等新技术,逐步改变依赖天然草地放牧的生产方式。
- Contractors for grassland management shall , according to the kinds and number of livestock they raise , readjust and reserve forage grass and fodder and employ new techniques such as forage grass and fodder ensiling and processing , in order to gradually change the mode of production in which grazing depends solely on natural grasslands .
- 玉米秸秆青贮收割机国内哪有卖的?
- Which has maize straw stem ensiling harvester in the homeland sell ?
- 以酸贮玉米秸秆(添加复合有机酸)为试验组日粮粗饲料,以一般青贮玉米秸秆为对照组日粮粗饲料饲喂奶牛,探讨酸贮玉米秸秆的饲喂效果。
- Sour ensiling corn stover is used in the experiment group and the general ensiling maize stover is used in the control group . The aim is to study the effect to feed cow using sour ensiling maize stover .
- 光周期对青饲玉米养分吸收及利用的影响。
- Effects of photoperiod on nutrient uptake and utilization in ensilage corn .
- 青贮玉米对氮磷钾的吸收规律。
- Nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium absorption in ensilage maize .
- 4yqk-2型茎秆青贮打捆玉米收获机的设计。
- Design of 4yqk-2 combine harvester for corn and straw ensilage .
- 酶制剂用作青贮饲料添加剂的研究进展。
- The research progress of enzyme using as additive in ensile .
- 对最普通的混凝土而言,直接抗拉强度可估计为。
- For most regular concretes , the direct t ensile strength may be estimated as .