- 我们是不是可以做一个宣传文明旅游的小手册,到青海湖边做文明旅游的宣传?
- Can we do a civilization tourism brochure for propaganda , and go to qinghai lake to propaganda civilize tourism ?
- 青海湖的地质构造背景及形成演化。
- Geotectonic setting , formation and evolution of the qinghai lake .
- 青海湖盆地退耕还草的必要性及对策。
- Necessity and countermemeasvre of withdrawing tilth and sowingin qinghai lake basin .
- 科科是学习手语的第一只大猩猩。
- Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language .
- 你来吧。读芋头下划线的那部分。
- Do yourself a favor . Read this part that koko underlined for me .
- 然后我们把芋头搞出去。
- And then we 're goingto get koko out of there .