- 将一本讲述一个年轻女孩遭诱拐后杀害的书写得如此振奋人心可需要相当大的勇气。
- It takes a certain audacity to write an uplifting book about the abduction and murder of a young girl .
- 那么,这么一个不会武功、精神恍惚的少女,对与他而言,岂非根本就是信手拈来的囊中之物?
- So , it is such a to know nothing about fighting skill , absentminded young girl , rightness and he but speech , not root be a nian at random come of the thing in the bag ?
- 从一个拥有梦想的女孩,变为很多女孩的梦想,金妍儿把花样滑冰推向了一个新的层次。
- From a young girl with a dream to the dream of many young girls , kim yu-na has brought figure skating to another level .