- 专家提供了建议,该如何对付这些恶霸式的毒老板。
- Experts offer their tips on handling bully and toxic bosses .
- 恶霸双星是一对超大型恒星在一个更大的星团中绕着彼此运转的恒星。
- The bully is a pair of supersize stars orbiting each other within a larger star cluster .
- 后来得知恶霸自己也曾是学校里被恶意欺凌的对象也就显得不足为奇了。
- It was unsurprising to learn later that the bully had herself been the subject of vicious bullying at school .
- 恃强凌弱是一个存在于从小学到企业集团的问题。
- Bullying is a problem from elementary school to the corporate suite .
- 性欺凌和骚扰是什么?
- What are sexual bullying and harassment ?
- 我们已经听过很多关于欺凌的事。
- We 've all heard a lot about bullying .