- 尽快研制出具有自主知识产权的信息安全技术是我国发展信息化、对抗霸权主义、抵制信息侵略的重要保证。
- Developing information safety te chnology with independent intellectual property is an important assurance for ou r country to develop informatization , counterwork hegemonism and resist informati on invasion .
- 一定意义上讲,单边主义是霸权主义的另一翻版。
- In a sense , unilateralism is another reprint of the hegemonism .
- 文化霸权主义否认世界文化的多元性和差异性,进行全球文化扩张,引发不同民族之间的文化冲突,导致国际恐怖主义的泛滥。
- Cultural hegemonism , denying the multi-unit and differential of international culture , expanding its culture in the world , causing cultural conflict among different nations , triggering the rampancy of international terrorism ;