- 一个犹太人国家的雏形已经在巴勒斯坦出现。
- A jewish state was taking embryonic form in palestine .
- 后匮乏时代经济中的阶级权力,其雏形可以在我们的知识产权法体系中看到。
- The embryonic form of class power in a post-scarcity economy can be found in our systems of intellectual property law .
- 一个犹太人国家的雏形已经在巴勒斯坦出现。
- A jewish state was taking embryonic form in palestine .
- 这称不上是民主的光辉模范。
- It was hardly a shining model of democracy .
- 因此他们调整了模型。
- So they tweaked the model .
- 成为一个好的榜样。
- Be a good role model .
- 在图拉看到的微型枪支给这位未来的枪械大师留下了深刻印象。
- Guns in miniature seen in tula produced lasting impression on the future gunnery master .
- 但是小型雪茄的销售仍然保持稳定。
- Yet miniature cigars are holding steady .
- 小型电影院里展示的是专门为博物馆制作的电影。
- The miniature cinema shows short films made exclusively for the museum .
- 新经济还处在雏形阶段,人们对它的认识还是初步的,甚至是假设性的。
- New economy still lies rudiment phase , people still is an abecedarian to its understanding , be hypothesis sex even .
- 清末民初公共图书馆的兴起,以及图书馆方面法律、法规的制定,奠定了现代公共图书馆系统的雏形。
- The evolvement of libraries , the stipulation of laws and statutes about libraries established the rudiment of modern public libraries .
- 伴随着资本主义的萌芽,明代社会出现了新兴的市民阶层。
- The rudiment with the capitalism , new developing citizens stratum appeared in the society in the ming dynasty .
- 2006年,由于德国禁止进行胚胎试验,他转至纽卡斯尔大学。
- He moved to newcastle in 2006 because embryo experiments are banned in germany .
- 他们现在正尝试着将此胚胎植入一个宿主动物中。
- They are now trying toimplant the embryo into a host animal .
- 即使大体上妇女会吃得更多,但单一的营养摄入可能不利于男胎儿的生长。
- And although women may be eating more overall , a nutrient-poor diet could be less favorable to a male embryo .