- 他的雇佣兵和和基斯台同盟者共同击败了趾高气昂的马其顿军队,收养他的奥尔比亚再次成为一座空城。
- Together , his mercenary force and their scythian allies have defeated a mighty macedonian army at the ford of the river god , and his adopted city of olbia is now free once more .
- 从酒馆招募农民和雇佣兵。
- Recruit peasants and mercenaries from taverns .
- 入侵由一组称为雇佣兵的官员造成。
- By group officials are labeling as mercenaries .
- 利比亚的卡扎菲没有前途,只要他的雇佣兵感到厌烦,他也就该倒台了。
- As for libya gaddafi has no future . The day his mercenaries grow weary he will fall .