- 羽翼未丰的殖民地极其需要外界帮助。
- The fledgling colony desperately needed help .
- 这个前英国殖民地痴迷于奇怪的英文名。
- The former british colony is obsessed with weird english names .
- 连线杂志:建造殖民地的时间表是怎样的?
- Wired : what 's the timeline for building a colony ?
- 统治雁田的是邓氏家族。
- Yantian is ruled by the deng clan .
- 这个小镇及其周边是黑手党卡萨雷希家族的活动范围。
- The town and its surroundings are the casalesi clan 's turf .
- 延续几十年的动乱带来不少分裂行动,黑手党暴力勒索以及宗族较量。
- Decades of insurgency have created splinter movements , violent mafia rackets and clan rivalries .
- 其中一个关于原材料独特组成的重点就是它们在历史中的变化。
- One important point about the distinctive assemblage of ingredients is its change through history .
- 但是我相信,今天聚集在这里的人,没有一个会同意这种观点。
- But I trust that no one in this assemblage will agree with those sentiments .
- 金先生是与会者之一。
- Mr. king was one of the assemblage .
- 产业集群显然比那些因为节约成本和商业依赖带来更多的利益。
- Industrial clustering has clearly more advantages than those due to cost savings and traded interdependencies .
- 基于optoc的谱空间基因表达信息聚类分析。
- Optoc-based clustering analysis of gene expression profiles in spectral space .
- 基于模糊均值聚类和感知机的网络银行客户挖掘。
- Internet bank customer mining based on fuzzy c-means clustering and perceptron .
- 也有评论赞成rac在其他临床研究领域中所没的公众讨论论坛的价值。
- Commenters also lauded rac 's value as a forum for public discussions that doesn 't exist in other areas of clinical research .
- 但她说nih“很高兴考虑如何简化rac过程”,可能要举办一个更广泛的讨论。
- But she says nih is " happy to think about ways to streamline the rac process , " and is likely to host a broader discussion .
- 标普用于衡量资产负债表实力的指标经风险调整的资本比率(rac),预示着巴塞尔银行监理委员会明年初会制定什么样的资本比率新规定。
- S & p 's risk-adjusted capital ( rac ) ratios a measure of balance sheet strength foreshadow the new capital ratio regime expected to be set by the basel committee on banking supervision early next year .