- 一个更大的集会计划于1月13日举行。
- A bigger rally is planned for january 13th .
- 而庇隆主义者需要重新团结在一个新领袖的周围。
- And the peronists need to rally round a new leader .
- 不过军事打击也有可能促进伊朗上下团结一致。
- But it is as likely to rally iranians around their leaders .
- 所以,你的目标应该是引起对方的兴趣,并获得再次见面的机会。”
- So your goal should be to earn the other person 's interest -- and another meeting . "
- 或许,你和老板没有安排定期的会面。
- Perhaps you don 't have a regular meeting with your supervisor .
- 2.只让必要的人员接收信息、参加电话会议和开会。
- Only include people who truly are needed in a message , conference call or meeting .
- 最终的装配是在第一层。
- Final assembly is on the first floor .
- 即将卸任的议会不经审议就批准了影响深远的措施。
- The outgoing assembly also rubber-stamped other far-reaching measures .
- 伦敦议会本周的一份报告却无情指出了消极的一面。
- A report this week from the london assembly takes a sterner line .
- 动力聚集在我的周围。
- Momentum was gathering all around me .
- 2010年上海世博会将成为一次盛大的国际聚会。
- Expo 2010 shanghai china will also be a grand international gathering .
- 很少你能发现一个聚会时没有包含吃的东西的。
- Rarely would you find a gathering with no food involved .