- 呼吁对于产品上的健康和营养的宣传作更健全的规管。
- Is calling for more robust rules on when products can make health and nutrition claims .
- 通过构建强健的体系,可以解决内部关联性问题。
- Interconnectedness is handled by building robust systems .
- 为什么印度强健的经济增长没有得到同样的赞颂呢?
- Why does india not get equal credit for robust growth ?
- 格鲁吉亚的现代化进展迅速有力,甚至近乎残忍。
- Georgia 's modernisation was vigorous , even brutal .
- 现在,我们需要在此基础上实现有力的全球复苏。
- Now we need to build a vigorous global recovery upon it .
- 在一个受金融业推动的经济体中,防止泡沫形成需要强有力的监管和负责任的货币政策。
- In a financially driven economy , it takes vigorous oversight and a responsible monetary policy to prevent bubbles .
- 就像上周舞弊选举所表现的那样,尼日利亚满是精力充沛的企业主人才。
- As last week 's vote-rigging showed , nigeria is bursting with energetic entrepreneurial talent .
- 它无疑还应更加积极地推动对超级富豪征税。
- And it should certainly be more energetic in taxing the super-rich .
- 法国人民也意识到萨科齐在欧元危机期间所做出的积极努力。
- The french also recognise mr sarkozy 's energetic efforts during the euro crisis .