- 一只雄性水蟒张开的大嘴。
- The open mouth of a male anaconda .
- 男性的包皮手术看似也能控制疾病的传播。
- Male circumcision seems to limit the disease 's spread .
- 她的男同学并非都这么有同情心。
- Not all her male classmates were as empathetic .
- 这些奖励措施必须恰当有力。
- These incentives have to be powerful .
- 库存周期是一个强有力的现象。
- The inventory cycle is a powerful phenomenon .
- 此外,改革者们还要面对很强的文化阻力。
- But reformers are also up against powerful cultural forces .
- 围绕是否通过sopa,形成了两个强有力的阵营。
- Two mighty coalitions have formed around sopa .
- 你的党派将控制强有力的官僚机器,并且轻而易举就可以达到选举要求。
- Your own party will control a mighty bureaucratic machine and will meet the requirements easily .
- 但在拉丁美洲,而且特别在墨西哥,教师工会是强有力的工具。
- But in latin america , and especially in mexico , they are mighty things .
- 全球卫生运动总喜欢宏伟的目标。
- Global health campaigns like grand goals .
- 缅甸过去曾经放弃过一些宏伟计划。
- Myanmar has abandoned grand plans before .
- 签订如此宏伟协议的可能性有多大?
- How likely is such a grand deal ?
- 我把信贴在白宫二楼的私人办公室的墙上,每天夜里都要看上一眼。
- I hung it in my private office on the second floor of the white house , and looked at it every night .
- 他提到该项合同悬系的“数千份就业机会”以及“我们同一个主要的伙伴兼盟友之间的不友好情绪(illfeeling)”。
- The prime minister spoke of the " thousands of jobs " that hung on the contracts as well as of " ill feeling between us and a key partner and ally " .
- 厚厚的云低悬着,遮住了整个天空。
- Thick clouds hung low and covered the sky .
- 杰克被带到帕默跟前。
- Jack is brought to palmer .
- 杰克只好让他离开。
- Jack lets the man leave .
- 杰克填好后递回给了她。
- Jack finished them and gave them back .