- 抗原蛋白像浴室墙壁上的污点一样,刷上层漆,就看不见了。
- Like blemishes on a bathroom wall , the antigenic proteins become invisible when painted over .
- 巡防队员告诉马克欧文斯,一些更吓人的偷猎者还拥有从巫术中获得的法力;他们可以隐身或者穿河涉水但不会被鳄鱼吃掉。
- They told mark owens that some of the more fearsome poachers possessed powers derived from witchcraft ; they could become invisible or ford rivers without being eaten by crocodiles .
- 抗原蛋白像浴室墙壁上的污点一样,刷上层漆,就看不见了。
- Like blemishes on a bathroom wall , the antigenic proteins become invisible when painted over .