- 这种差异的原因可能是无意的、随机的调查误差。
- This discrepancy could be due to unintentional , random survey errors .
- 物体出现的位置其实并不总是随机的,但这点玩家们毫不知情。
- Unbeknownst to the players , the positions of the objects were not always random .
- 从这个角度来看,2011年的许多国际事件发展就不像是随机的了。
- Seen in this light , many of 2011 's international developments don 't look so random at all .
- 一个更好的办法是把到站频率设为随机平均每十分钟有一辆公共汽车到站,但到站时间有很大的可变性。
- A better approach would make the frequency stochastic buses arrive every 10 minutes on average , but with wide variability .
- 新凯恩斯主义学说的核心是所谓的动态随机一般均衡模型,目前是全球各国央行的主要分析工具。
- At the heart of the new keynesian doctrine stands the so-called dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model , nowadays the main analytical tool of central banks all over the world .
- 既然自然系统进化出了不光能应对,还能利用噪音的系统,比如神经元利用随机共振,有没有可能自然也发现了使用噪音进行计算的发放?
- Since natural systems have evolved not only to cope with noise but to exploit it , as neurons do with stochastic resonance , could it be that nature has also learned to compute with noise ?
- 这种差异的原因可能是无意的、随机的调查误差。
- This discrepancy could be due to unintentional , random survey errors .
- 物体出现的位置其实并不总是随机的,但这点玩家们毫不知情。
- Unbeknownst to the players , the positions of the objects were not always random .
- 从这个角度来看,2011年的许多国际事件发展就不像是随机的了。
- Seen in this light , many of 2011 's international developments don 't look so random at all .