- 因此这产生了一个向外的量子压力来对抗激光阱的束缚。
- There is therefore an outward quantum pressure forcing against the constraining laser trap .
- 反对人士认为这是个陷阱。
- The opposition senses a trap .
- 对于今天以色列所陷入的这种困境要付最大责任的恰恰是内塔尼亚胡。
- No one bears greater responsibility for the trap israel finds itself in today than mr netanyahu .
- 通过提早作出17%的减排目标承诺,奥巴马避免了另一个陷阱:多于美国众议院似乎准备实践的承诺。
- By committing early to a target of 17 % , mr obama has avoided another pitfall : promising more than congress looks ready to deliver .
- 美国邮政表明了模仿私人企业的形式会带来的陷阱和谬误。
- The us postal service illustrates that pitfall as well as the fallacy that mimicking the form of private enterprise can achieve the substance .
- 在这里要避免一个陷阱的出现:通过把政府垄断变成私人垄断可以加快这一政策的进行,这可能是个进步但它并不会带来让人满意的结果。
- A pitfall to be avoided here comes in sweetening the deal by converting a government monopoly into a private monopoly - which may be an improvement but falls far short of the desirable outcome .
- 它的后腿被铁丝网圈套划伤,不过其它方面状态良好。
- Itshind leg was gashed by a wire snare , but otherwise it was in goodshape .
- 就这样制造出一种毛绒绒的物质,蜘蛛使用它来诱惑昆虫猎物。
- This produces a fuzzy material , which the spiders use to snare their insect prey .
- 卷须当陷阱,谁敢亵渎之?
- Blaspheme the twisted tendril as snare ?
- 其次是杜松子酒,已经变成了半透明的,类似橄榄形状与大小的球体。
- Gin played the cameo , having been turned into a translucent sphere the size and shape of an olive .
- 制作杜松子酒,最后结果证明,并不很难。
- Making gin , as it turns out , is not so hard .
- 18世纪,似乎为了控制穷人贪喝杜松子酒不得不颁布法律。
- During the eighteenth century , laws had to be brought in to curb the seemingly insatiable appetite for gin amongst the poor .