- 煤也曾被用来烧制用本地粘土制造的砖。
- The coal was also used to fire bricks made from local clay .
- 克莱特别希望通过一项将联邦政府出售公共土地所得资金分配给各州的法案。
- Clay especially wanted approval of a bill to give the different states money from the sale of public land .
- 克莱说,一项好的法律应该是让逃亡的奴隶回到他们的主人手中。
- Clay said a better law was needed for the return of fugitive slaves to their owners .
- 艾哈迈达巴德,印度:一个制陶工人整理陶盆以便在阳光下晒干。
- Ahmedabad , india : a potter arranges earthenware pots to dry in the sun
- 对众多的施瓦茨小便池讽刺之一是,他们精心设计的斯泰格茨照片为蓝本陶器雕塑“原始”。
- One of the many ironies of the schwarz urinals is that they are carefully crafted earthenware sculptures modelled on the stieglitz photo of the " original " .
- 我知道投标仅仅是对陶瓷阀门市场的一个开始。
- I know the bid is just the start of exploring ceramic valve market .
- 政治讨论进行到一半,陶瓷碗送了进来。
- Halfway through the political discussion , ceramic bowls were brought in .
- 由sharonamerlin设计的扁平陶瓷杯和托碟。
- Flattened ceramic cup and saucer designed by sharona merlin .