- 在罗马及其他各地早期基督徒的墓穴中,也有间接的证据.
- Also , circumstantial evidence in the catacombs in rome , elsewhere .
- 不能如此假设,在基督教之前从地下墓穴中,然而简单形式的外袍早已开始使用了。
- One cannot assume that before christianity emerged from the catacombs any but the simplest form of vestment was used .
- 意大利考古学家安东尼奥*博西奥成为第一个在现代重新发现基督教在罗马墓穴的人。
- Italian archaeologist antonio bosio became the first man in modern times to rediscover the christian catacombs in rome .
- 埃及首席考古学家于上周日称,日前在吉萨发现的新墓群表明,大金字塔的建造者是自由工人,而非人们普遍认为的奴隶。
- New tombs found in giza support the view that the great pyramids were built by free workers and not slaves , as widely believed , egypt 's chief archaeologist said on sunday .
- “在那以前,我原以为克利奥帕特拉肯定是被埋在亚历山卓面朝宫殿的皇家墓葬区,”哈瓦斯说。
- " I thought before we started digging that cleopatra would be buried facing the palace in alexandria , in the royal tombs area , " said hawass .
- 在这个象征着死亡和复活的神圣周期中,狮身人面像可能代表了很多东西:它既是哈夫拉国王和死去国王的象征,也是作为太阳神化身的即在统治者的象征,同时还是阴间及吉萨墓葬的守护者。
- In this sacred cycle of death and revival , the sphinx may have stood for many things : as an image of khafre the dead king , as the sun god incarnated in the living ruler and as guardian of the underworld and the giza tombs .