- 乍得的石油收入也在减少。
- Chadian oil revenues are also in decline .
- 然而,美国相对衰落是不可避免的。
- Yet relative decline is unavoidable .
- 付费电视普及则正走向衰退。
- Pay-tv penetration is beginning to decline .
- 这些国家的财政状况可能迅速恶化。
- Their fiscal position could deteriorate fast .
- 在极度恐慌中,形势会进一步恶化。
- Amid fears , things will deteriorate even further .
- 一些分析人士担心政府财政状况可能会恶化。
- Some analysts expressed concern the government 's finances could deteriorate .
- 接下来的寒冷和干燥保存了它们不会腐烂。
- The subsequent cold and dry have preserved them from decay .
- 这些源源不断地软饮料增加了牙齿腐烂的风险。
- This constant beverage use increases the risk of tooth decay .
- 主要有四个因素会影响到尸体腐烂的速度和完整性。
- Four main factors affect the pace and completeness of decay .