- 而震裂锥和冲击石英正是陨石撞击的强力证据。
- Both shatter cones and shocked quartz are considered strong evidence of meteorite impacts .
- 去以色列之前,我曾认为,哪怕到5亿年后地球毁于流星撞击之时,以色列和巴基斯坦也不会休战。
- I arrived in israel thinking that when the earth collides with a meteorite 500 million years from now , israelis and palestinians will still be fighting .
- 有可能被流星砸中并非是一个笑话:“这确实可能只是可能性很低而已,”corradini说.
- And the possibility of a meteorite isn 't a joke : " it 's there somewhere - it 's just a very low probability , " corradini says .
- 你送我偶然从天而降的陨石
- You gave me the aerolite occasionally fell from ?
- 首次提出“陨石神话”的分类概念,认为“女娲补天”是一则典型的陨石神话。
- It is the first time that the concept of " aerolite myth " was raised and it is pointed out that nuwa is a typical aerolite myth .
- 他认为这是一个吉利之兆,所以他来到了陨石坠落的地点并发现了一个罗盘。
- He thought that this aerolite was a lucky thing so he came to the place that the aerolite landed and found the plate .