- 国际和平医院就在她们的附近。
- Whose international peace hospital was nearby .
- 你也会陪我去医院。
- You accompanied me to hospital appointments .
- 来自农场避难所的紧急救援队插手进来,把他送到了兽医院。
- Farm sanctuary 's emergency rescue team stepped in , rushing him to a veterinary hospital .
- 而且他们都从大学辍学。
- And they all left college .
- 赤脚学院是一个非政府组织。
- Barefoot college is a non-governmental organization .
- 安徽外经正在建设这座学院。
- Anjin workers are building the college .
- 马丁图皮是列格坦伦敦研究院的高级研究员。
- Mr. tupy is a senior fellow at the legatum institute in london .
- 格兰瑟姆学院本身就是一个例子。
- The grantham institute provides another example .
- 学院有一个可居住60人的宿舍。
- The institute has a dormitory for 60 people .
- 从那以后,该项研究已经获得了显著的临床成功,并从nih、产业界和慈善渠道得到了大量的资金。
- Since then , the research has delivered dramatic clinical success and attracted substantial funding from nih , industry , and philanthropic sources .
- 国家卫生研究所有很多资源可以帮助你和你的孩子踏上通向更加健康的生活方式的道路。
- Nih has many resources to help you and your children get on the path to a healthier lifestyle .
- 2009年3月奥巴马下令,它可以支持新胚胎干细胞系的研究工作,以及nih改变了其准则。
- In march 2009 barack obama ordered that it could support work on newer lines , and the nih changed its guidelines .
- 杰克逊在院子里放了辆安保居住车。
- Jackson installed a security trailer in the courtyard .
- 他们吃完饭,走到阴云笼罩的院子里。
- They finished lunch and went outside into the overcast courtyard .
- 穿过院子,我们可以听到厄尼在排练他的演讲。
- Across the courtyard , we could hear ernie rehearsing his speech .