- 该交易是在监管部门设定的最后截止期限前几小时批准的。
- The approval for the deal came just hours before the deadline set by regulators .
- 用主动语态和现在时态写下目标,并加上期限。
- Write your goals in the positive , present tense and add your deadline .
- 他们延长了自愿申报的官方截止期限,以鼓励其他人交代问题。
- They have extended a formal deadline for self-declaration to encourage others .
- 他的声音是生硬沙哑的男高音部,增加了他带给人的暴躁印象。
- His speaking voice , a gruff husky tenor , added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed .
- 就他的竞争对手的沮丧来讲,虽然他们能很绅士风度地处之泰然,但是帕瓦罗蒂却成了世界上最受欢迎的男高音。
- To the frustration of his rivals , though they weregentlemanly about it , pavarotti became the world 's favourite tenor .
- 年轻、黝黑、英俊,这位声线优美的男高音去年横扫拉丁格莱美奖。
- He is young , dark and handsome , with a lilting light tenor , and he swept the latin grammys last year .
- 他应该对最后期限非常熟悉,毕竟他是个新闻人。
- He should know about deadlines , for he is a newspaper man .
- 如果你的教授无意让这些最后期限变得有意义,你自己可以赋予它们意义。
- If you do not have a professor willing to make these deadlines meaningful , you can do so yourself .
- 学校表示,它们不能要求教师调整关于学生交作业的最后期限或者到课情况的规定。
- Schools say they can 't require faculty to adjust deadlines or attendance policies .