- 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?
- Worried about the state of your marriage ?
- 不同的状态则需要一个新对象。
- Different state requires a new object .
- 佛吉尼亚是个摇摆州。
- Virginia is a swing state .
- 背诵一篇具有重要历史意义的演讲。
- Memorize and recite an important historical speech .
- 尽管一个人可能能背出词的定义,在上下文中认出这个词又是另一回事。
- Although a person may be able to recite a definition , learning to recognize a word in context is another trick entirely .
- 你的祷告是否有一个长长的列表,里面充满了各样的请求,你就把这些请求依次背给神听?
- Do your prayers still consist of a long list , filled with requests , which you recite to god ?
- 美国在2007年4月就进行投诉。
- America made this complaint in april 2007 .
- 他们最多的抱怨是运输问题。
- Their biggest complaint concerns transport .
- 所以毫不奇怪,2007年美国向wto提起了投诉。
- Sure enough , the us lodged a complaint with the wto in 2007 .