- 陈旧的零食回炉重造
- Give stale snacks some bite .
- 要做到这一点,我们必须超越美国政治中那种将短期凯恩斯主义刺激理论与涓滴经济学对立起来的陈旧辩论。
- To get there , we need to move beyond the stale us political debate pitting short-run keynesian stimulus on one side versus trickle-down economics on the other .
- 经常的打开窗户把陈旧的空气换成充满氧气的新鲜空气。
- Open the windows often to let out the stale air and let in air that is fresh and full of oxygen .
- 她是男权社会陈腐观念的受害者,挣扎着从自卑中走向独立、自我。
- As a victim of the outworn ideas in the patriarchal society , she struggled to gain independence and ego from inferiority .
- 因此你们和其他人察觉到旧的地球和它陈腐的结构确实在崩塌中。
- And so you and others are perceiving the old earth and its outworn structures as literally cracking up .
- 大胆的拒绝过时的传统和思维方式,毫不犹豫地为自己,也为自己的追随者开辟新的道路,这些先行者却有时却会在面对自己的原理的刻板应用时,畏缩不前。这不是什么稀罕的事儿。
- It is not altogether a rare thing that those very pioneers who have not hesitated to clear new paths for themselves and their followers by boldly rejecting outworn traditions and ways of thinking should yet shrink sometimes from all that is involved in the rigid application of their own principles .