- 它并不会使海平面上升许多,因为浮冰遵循阿基米德原理排开了相当于它自身的水。
- They should not bring much rise in the sea level , since floating ice obeys archimedes 's principle and displaces its own mass of water .
- 科学家发现这个神秘的希腊发明能预测日食和编制为每4年一个周期的日历,这些都跟知名的星相家和工程师阿基米德(archimedes)有着关系。
- Scientists have since discovered that this mysterious greek invention predicted solar eclipses , organized the calendar in four-year cycles , and may well be linked to renowned astrologer and engineer archimedes .
- 后来,联邦军总将军亨利哈列克(henryhalleck)写道:“……有一种超越任何人想象的惰性,只有阿基米德的杠杆才能撬动这个巨大的静止。”
- Afterward union general-in-chief henry halleck wrote " there is an immobility here that exceeds all that any man can conceive of . It requires the lever of archimedes to move this inert mass . "