- 你已经提醒过他用梯子了。
- You had warned him to use the ladder .
- 处于经济阶梯最底部人群的家庭收入下滑最为严重。
- The decline is sharpest at the bottom of the economic ladder .
- 她开始上梯子,爬上爬下地递着稻草。
- She started to go up and down the ladder , carrying the straw .
- 这也许只是向更好的医院迈出的一小步。
- That would be small step towards better hospitals .
- 这是漫漫长途中开始迈出的一小步。
- That is a small first step on a long journey .
- 这是最重要的步骤!
- This is the most important step !