- 埃文斯和她的同事们在电脑上建立了类似角质层的模型,并且证实,是皮肤的特殊结构帮助我们的皮肤在泡浴时保持完好。
- She and colleagues have been modeling structures like the stratum corneum on computer , and have identified the special feature of skin that helps explain why it stays intact in the bath .
- 拉里戴维,制作喜剧《抑制热情》的时候,从来没有被要求超出被宠坏的洛杉矶阶层以外。
- Larry david was never tasked with making " curb your enthusiasm " more representative of the world outside of a spoiled stratum of los angeles .
- 黑领阶层已经引起公愤。
- Black-collar stratum really has become a target .
- 我没获得任何等级,什么也没有。
- I didn 't get any rank or anything .
- 使用手机数据可以帮助锁定广告和对本地服务进行等级划分。
- Mining cell phone data could help target ads and rank local services .
- 他胳膊上镶有少先队员最高级别的五道杠三道杠都很稀有了。
- The five stripes displayed on his arm denote a high rank in young pioneers to have three is rare .
- 第二节塔身被吊了起来。
- The second tower section is lifted .
- 这部分就相当于一把双刃剑。
- That section is rather double-edged .
- 注:精通日语的读者可以忽略这节。
- Note : proficient japanese speakers may skip this section .