- 河马:对不起,朴主任,我来迟了。我是来替代赵音齐来主持周二娱乐秀的。
- Hippo : sorry , director piao , I 'm late . I 'll compere entertainment on tuesday instead zhao yinqi .
- 阴天和雾天时,整个天空会变成一个非常广的光源,一个天然的柔光箱。
- On overcast or foggy days the entire sky in effect becomes a single very broad light source-nature 's softbox .
- 直到现在,家庭和办公室内部的亮度也只是阴天室外亮度的十分之一,显然还有很大的提升空间。
- Even now , the interiors of homes and workplaces are typically lit at only a tenth of the brightness of the outdoors on an overcast day , so there is plenty of room for improvement .
- 不过,能源生产公司说,太阳能和风能都无法担当重任,因为阴天或无风天气可能会出现电力短缺。
- Companies that generate power , however , say neither can be relied upon in a major way because of potential electricity shortages on overcast or still days .