- 拙劣的内阁改组只是麻生无能的最新例子。
- A bungled cabinet reshuffle is only the latest example of his impotence .
- 男性更年期最常见的病症是抑郁症,而抑郁症又同阳痿、男性性行为疾病密切相关。
- The most common problem associated with male menopause is depression which is closely related to impotence and problems with male sexuality .
- 一些心理学家警告说,伟哥已成为一种生活方式型药物,它助长人们忽视可能会导致阳痿的一些潜在的心理或生理问题。
- Some psychologists warn viagra has become a lifestyle drug that encourages people to neglect underlying mental or physiological problems that can cause impotence .