- 更男性化的眼光是天鹅绒裤子以及饰以皮革浮饰的夹克。
- A more masculine vision had velvet pants and jackets embossed as if on leather .
- 虽然是个阳性的象征,但是双子座很自然的倾向于双重个性。
- Gemini , although a masculine ( yang ) sign , is dual by nature and inclination .
- 大多数西方语言,都有某些区别阳性名词和阴性名词的语言形式,其中有些还额外加上一个中性。
- Most western languages have some form of distinction between masculine and feminine nouns , with some of them adding neuter for good measure .
- 这并不是第一个有关肉食和男子气之间的关联的研究。
- The study isn 't the first to make a connection between meat and masculinity .
- 研究发现,另一半插足会有损男性在自主权和隐私方面的安全感,而这对传统的男子气概很重要。
- The study found partner betweenness undermines men 's feelings of autonomy and privacy , which are central to traditional concepts of masculinity .
- 出版在男性心理周刊中的一项研究表明:对比赛结果哭泣的足球员有很强的自自尊心。
- A study published in the journal psychology of men & masculinity found that football players who cried about game outcomes reported higher levels of self-esteem .
- 她既有男子的气概,又有女性的娇柔。
- She is both virile and feminine .
- 自然主义已成为一个刚健在东方和西方的文化力量。
- Naturalism has become a virile cultural force in both east and west .
- 要求声音刚健精力充沛,导演甚为失望。
- Lusty virile sounds were called for and the director was frustrated .