- 3.通过其他渠道获得积极反馈。
- Get positive feedback from other sources . "
- •保持积极而有效的关系。
- • Keep the relationship positive and productive .
- 你希望人们谈论正面体验。
- You want people talking about positive experiences .
- 运动场是完全开放的。
- The field is wide open .
- 她轻轻弹开手机盖。
- She flipped open her phone .
- 打开自己的心灵。
- Keep your heart open .
- 问:你在工作中有没有遇到过公开的种族主义言行?
- Q : did you ever encounter any overt racism while working ?
- 虽然赤字高居不下,日本却能不发生任何明显的危机,原因有四点。
- Japan was able to get away with such unremittingly high deficits without an overt crisis for four reasons .
- 同时它通过一系列明显的保护主义措施和监管方面的花招帮助“创新幼苗”避免与外国对手的竞争。
- It also protects " infant innovators " from foreign competition by a mix of overt protectionism and regulatory subterfuge .
- 密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼。
- Lake michigan shimmers in the sun .
- 腐肉将曝晒在阳光下。
- Carrion will lie in the sun .
- 我们坐在阳光下的一条长椅上。
- We sit on a bench in the sun .
- 佛罗里达州阳光充足,堪称颐养天年的圣地,因而备受英国移民青睐。
- The sunny us state is a very popular retirement choice for british expats .
- 大规模的太阳能装置通常安装在阳光充足、气候干燥的沙漠地区,太阳能电池板上会被风吹上层层的灰尘。
- Large scale solar installations are usually in sunny , dry desert areas where winds can deposit layers of dust over the solar panels .
- 并不是所有天然气都在阳光充足的地方,但是,除了阿曼沙漠下面有石油外,许多沙漠下都有石油。
- Not all of that is in sunny places , but there are many deserts besides oman 's that have oil beneath them .