- 在危机余波尚存,防范国际经贸领域的风险逐步成为全球性共同话题之时,对产业保护和产业安全这一具有重大理论及现实意义的课题进行研究成为本文出发点.
- Still put in crisis aftereffect , be on guard when the risk of domain of international classics trade becomes global collective topic stage by stage , the task that to industrial protection and industrial safety this has great theory and real sense undertakes study to become article jumping-off place .
- 充分熟悉和防范饲料安全性的现代问题,确保饲料安全、避免环境污染是畜牧业生产经营突破贸易壁垒、保护人类安全与健康,实现可持续发展必须认真解决的重大课题。
- Be known adequately and be on guard the contemporary problem of feed security , ensure feed is safe , avoiding an environment to pollute is stock raising production management breakthrough is trade barrier , tutelar safety and kind of health , implementation can develop the major task that must solve seriously continuously .
- 上了年纪的美国人,即使是那些有投资经验和金融知识的人,都是诈骗犯、虚假广告和骗局的目标,因此保持警惕。
- Older americans -- even those who are experienced with investing and are financially literate -- are highly targeted by scammers , misleading advertising , and fraud , so be on guard .