- 你的卧室还有很不错的音乐呢。
- Your boudoir comes with pretty decent music .
- 就告诉他我不会要他卧室里的孩子。
- Tell him I don 't get my boys from his boudoir .
- 今天,“漳平水仙”不再是“空谷幽兰”,不再是“深闺佳人”
- Today , the " zhangping shuixian tea " is no more the " solitary orchid " or " beautiful woman in the boudoir " .
- 乌克兰媒体称我们是卡扎菲的后宫佳丽,那简直是无稽之谈,我们中间没有人是他的情妇,我们仅仅在测量血压的时候会和他有接触。
- The ukrainian press called us gaddafi 's harem . That 's nonsense . None of us nurses was ever his lover ; the only time we ever touched him was to take his blood pressure .
- 他最年轻的妻妾.
- The youngest of his harem .
- 普鲁斯特讲述过一个穆罕默德二世的故事,穆罕默德二世曾经爱上了他妻室中的一位妻妾,之后立即将她处死,因为他不想过一种与其他人有精神纽带的生活。
- Proust tells the story of mohammed ii who , sensing that he was falling in love with one of his wives in his harem , at once had her killed because he did not wish to live in spiritual bondage to another .