- 你怎可以瞒住我这些?
- How could yuo hide that from me ?
- 艺术vs设计:是对艺术和设计问题的深刻解剖。
- Art vs design is another pertinent and well thought out dissection of the art vs. design issue .
- 今年,日圆对美元升值了4.33%,对欧元升值了6.65%。
- The yen has gained 4.33 % vs the dollar and 6.65 % against the euro this year .
- 它不仅在hd-dvd对蓝光的格式战争中扮演重要角色,它还帮助vhs打败了betamax。
- Not only did it play an important role in the hd-dvd vs blue-ray war , but it helped secure the victory of vhs over betamax .