- 到南极去不必匆忙。
- You can 't rush to antarctica .
- 罚点球时千万不可匆忙!
- Don 't rush penalty kicks !
- 在愤怒达到一定程度时,血液真的会冲上大脑。
- Blood really does rush to the head during a fit of anger .
- 一旦发生什么恐怖的社会灾难或者毁灭性的军事袭击,首相会不会冲到那里躲起来呢?
- Is this where the prime minister might dash to hide in the event of some terrifying social meltdown or devastating military attack ?
- 他向院子的周围看了看,然后向着一个井口冲过去(michael曾用来接近精神病区入口的那个井口)。
- He looks around the yard , then makes a dash for the sewer grate that michael used to gain access to the psych ward .
- 还有,在实现某个目标方面,运动会带给人一种真正的成就感和自豪感,比如刷新了上回百米冲刺的时间。
- Plus , exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal - like beating an old time in the 100-meter dash .
- 以军队则否认了这一指控。
- The army denies the charge .
- 我们是向贵公司收费吗?
- Shall we charge this to your company ?
- 朝鲜否认了这一指控。
- North korea denies the charge .
- 敢将这致命的凶神捉牢?
- Dare its deadly terrors clasp ?
- 而今天,只有一小部分敢于拒绝。
- Today , only a handful dare abstain .
- 何等手敢将这火取?
- What the hand dare seize the fire ?