- 候选人秘密的由南北交替选出,表现在投票人面前就是操纵选举。
- Candidates are picked alternately from north and south behind closed doors and presented to voters in rigged polls .
- 在帕潘德里欧闭门造车之时,数万名示威者走上街头抗议,并发生零星暴力事件,警察与十几名自称无政府主义者的青年发生巷战,并试图用催泪弹和辣椒水驱散人群。
- As mr. papandreou maneuvered behind closed doors , protests involving tens of thousands of demonstrators turned occasionally violent outside as police fought street battles with dozens of self-styled anarchist youths and sought to disperse crowds with tear gas and pepper spray .
- 十多年过去了,如今出席保守党高级会议的诸位政客一直对托尼布莱尔表现出极大的热情,选举三连胜的记录足以让在紧闭的门外偷听的人大吃一惊。
- Over the past decade or so , and behind closed doors , the politicians now at the summit of the conservative party have expressed an ardor for tony blair , their three-time electoral slayer , that might shock anyone overhearing it .