- 沙特阿拉伯和其他大石油生产国经常责怪的价格泡沫市场,而不是闲置的油井。
- Saudi arabia and other big oil producers routinely blame the price on frothy markets , rather than idle wells .
- 我们可以很容易地进入工厂,并拍下一条生产线处于空闲时的照片。
- It 's easy to go into a factory and take a picture of a production line that 's idle .
- 空闲时间在钻探总天数中所占比例从2007年的34%降至24%。
- Idle time had fallen to 24 % of total rig days , from 34 % in 2007 .
- 看看雅典,曾为2004年奥运会矗立的22座场馆中的21座报告被闲置。
- Consider athens , where 21 of the 22 stadiums erected for the 2004 olympics were reported last year to be unoccupied .
- 那是因为还没被占领.
- All that is for the unoccupied .
- 他说里面没有人住。
- He said it was unoccupied .
- 但是,老城区内类似战区的感觉,与汉人为主的新城区的热闹气氛形成鲜明对照。
- But the feel of a war-zone in the old quarter contrasts markedly with the bustling atmosphere of the han chinese-dominated new town .
- 此外,汉朝皇帝还派遣官员驻扎此地以保证丝绸之路的顺畅和繁荣。
- What is more , western han emperor sent officials to keep the silk road smooth and prosperous .
- 通过我起居室的格子窗户,我看到我的另一个邻居,从满洲里以北搬来的韩先生。
- Through the latticed windows of my living room , I see another neighbor , mr. han , who moved here from northern manchuria .
- 定期地放松管理压力。
- Relax regularly and manage stress .
- 试着在上床前放松。
- Try to relax before bed .
- 他要求欧盟放宽对于西班牙的严格减赤要求。
- He wants the eu to relax spain 's tough deficit targets .